Rev. Stephanie Ann Cox, MDiv
Ordained Elder in Full Connection
Alabama-West Florida Conference
United Methodist Church
Stephanie was born in1954 in Mississippi.
Stephanie and Jack were married in 1997 and they have a blended family of eight children, 22 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. She is a graduate of Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, and earned a Master of Divinity Degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in May 2006. She completed Clinical Pastoral Education working as a Chaplain at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola, Florida and completed three years of Pastoral Effectiveness Training as part of her ordination requirements. On February 10, 2012, she is completed a three-year training program for Spiritual Director certification in the AWF Conference and serves the conference as a spiritual director and as a mentor to several local pastors.
Stephanie is currently serving as the Pastor of Highland Park UMC in Dothan, AL. She has also served as pastor of New Vision UMC, Lakeview UMC, Evergreen First UMC, and Greystone UMC. She also serves on several boards and committees at the District and Conference level.
Stephanie loves God with her whole heart, mind and soul, and she loves all people equally. She has a passion for lost souls and works very hard to make everyone feel welcome at church, especially the children. Her favorite hobby is reading and she really likes challenging books on theology and spirituality.